Bring in the goats!

The form below is best viewed and easiest completed on a computer, rather than a mobile device, but either will work. 

The entire quote process is based on the information that you give us, much of it shown on a map.  Please visit out Map help page for ideas and instructions in making your map.  Making a map is crucial to this process! 

Please only complete this form if you are in South Central, PA. In the Cumberland Valley, Path Valley or adjacent areas.  Our normal service area map is here.  We also would ask that you have a basic understanding of How we Work. Goats are an incredible way of managing overgrown vegetation and restoring the land, but it is a process for most land managment goals. Goats are one tool, we think the best tool, but there are different ways to measure "best" and that is where the Learning how the FlockWorks management options come into play.

Occasionally the embedded form stops working. (It usually only lasts for a few moments, if you'd rather refresh the page in a few minutes.)
 If that were to happen, here is a link to the form directly

Here is a page to help with making your map

Mailing Address:

PO Box 207
Roxbury, PA 17251

Physical Address: 
11777 Forge Hill Road
Orrstown, PA 17244


Phone: (717) 417-8683
(You can also text us.) 

Site Map (90+% Rebuilt)
  • Hire Goats (Goat Rental Directory: Find other Goat Rental Companies.)
  • GoatWorks (Learn to manage your own goats similarly.) 
  • Historical FlockWorks Website


Please send us your ideas, bug reports, suggestions! Any feedback would be appreciated.

Quotes out of Area

We will travel outside of the areas covered above, BUT it only *may* make sense for you if you have very specific job conditions that make any other form of managment exceptionally costly. For example: We had a school that had an area behind the playground that was (1) Steep, (2) Covered un poison ivy, (Known colonies of ground bees. We were 10k less than the closest landscape company. 

We run multiple herds of goats, checking on each herd and gear regularly.  The travel cost (even though we only charge the amount the federal government says it costs to operate a passenger vehicle, since we are checking on our goats.) really add to the total cost of a job. 

We are coming up with a method for you to do your own rough quote to see if it is even feasible to talk about the possibility of bringing our goats to your distant job. Stand by... 

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